Seattle Bride's Best of 2017 - The Instagram Recap

The Best of Bride 2017 party at Block 41 was a fun-filled event with the Seattle wedding industry's finest. We had a fabulous time mixing, mingling and celebrating with all of our finalists, winners and their guests, as well as the fabulous vendors who helped make the party a smashing success. What better way to recap than through the Instagram lenses of the attendees!?

Find more photos from the event on our Facebook page.

Is this real life?! Can't believe we got "Best Wedding Planner" from Seattle Bride Magazine. Still on cloud nine from tonight. Thank you to my amazing team (missing Lindsay here!) for everything that you do. Our couples are so lucky to have you guys! You work SO hard and I just adore you all! We have the best industry here, amongst so much talent. It's a huge supportive community, and I have met SO many amazing people through this "job" over the years! I'm so proud of all of the winners, and nominees etc! I feel like this is an acceptance speech!!!! Haha but really I just wanted to share SO MUCH love, appreciation, admiration and respect for everyone. Of course my main squeeze @andyaa22! You've always been my biggest fan and supporter. Behind every great (business) woman is a great man. Wahoooooo! #bestofbridesea #seattlebridemag #seattlebridebestof2017 #bestweddingplanner #icantbelievewewon #beyondlucky #praisegod #nowbacktoweddingseason #seattleweddingplanner

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The most darling cake pops at tonight's @seattlebridemag event! Made by @hunnydocakepops

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My work family Thank you @seattlebridemag for an amazing night last night. #mostdeep #shady #antisocial

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