After graduating from college, Sakurako “Saki” Kato, who works at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Kyle Larson, who works at Microsoft, found their way back home to Seattle, where they met through mutual friends. After four years of dating, the two sealed the deal after a romantic dinner at LloydMartin as Kyle got down on one knee and proposed at the top of Queen Anne along a lamppost-lined street.
The couple’s distinctly urban style, full of class and elegance, was exquisitely captured throughout their big-day decor. As a nod to the mother of the bride’s longtime practice of ikebana (the Japanese art of floral arrangement), Jennifer Piazza of Black House Flowers incorporated in-season florals and native plants to create a lush and organically effortless vibe that brought light and movement to the industrial backdrop of AXIS in Pioneer Square. The pair also paid tribute to the groom’s late mother, as Saki’s bridal veil was lined with lace from the wedding gown Kyle’s mother wore when she said her own vows.